Friday, 20 January 2017

Mellow Yellow

Mellow Yellow

I have known Shaun Smith for many years as he owns the local mechanical workshop where we all take our tractors and implements for repairs and servicing. What always caught my eye was a classic yellow pick up parked in his garage. I have never done motor vehicle photography before so made a date with him to take photos. Shaun is an excellent mechanic and he told me that his apprenticeship was served at Mercedes some 42 years ago. He told me that just as I enjoy hiking in the Drakensberg so he enjoys restoring motor vehicles and this is his passion.....and of course Jenny his wife comes 1st (only if she stops calling it the Yellow Monster) just joking 😁😁😁
Also he made a bucket list earlier in his life and it goes as follows:  To restore (1) a Pick Up (2) a Willys Jeep (3) a Vintage (woody) Pick Up (4) a Worsley car (5).....and a Hot Rod.
Well the Pick Up and Jeep are complete, no 3 and 4 still being worked on and the Hot Rod still a dream.
The International Pick Up was the first completed. An original 1956 S1 20 4W/D (6 cylinder/3.8 lts) complete with original gear box. This pick up I heard was the fastest on the road during its time. Shaun explained how he had to knock out the very rusted up pistons with a block of wood and the steel was so tough that nothing broke. It took 2 years to restore, was bought for R2300 and cost R50000 to complete. Last week he had an offer for R150000 which he turned down...why??? because every time he drives it there is a priceless mellow yellow feeling!!
One thing he mentioned was that the one head light ring was made from a s/steel dog bowl which Jenny bought from PnPay. Can you tell the difference?

The imported one from USA would have cost too much. I asked what was the biggest challenge and he said that the windscreen agents when fitting the original windscreen broke it.....and he could have killed them!!!!! A new windsceen was made in JHB at a cost and installed with rubbers from USA.
Next Shaun built up a 1977 CJ6 Willys Jeep and it took 1 year to complete. The red color suites it totally.
 A 1955 Worsley 1500cc and 1955 International C1 Truck (woody) are being worked on at the moment. Shaun is doing all the wood work himself which is a huge challenge.
The Hot Rod is still in the dream process and I can just imagine the vibrant wild colors and design.

Thanks Shaun and Jenny for a fun photographic session which was done in the late afternoon for decent light and reflection issues.

Enjoy the photos on this link    :)